The automotive industry is changing, and all players (automakers, equipment manufacturers, GAFAM, etc.) have embarked on the autonomous vehicle challenge. Test vehicles are already on roads across the world, attempting to integrate self-driving cars into our daily lives, and global regulations are preparing for the massive arrival of the autonomous vehicle.


However, before autonomous vehicles can be deployed on a large scale, automakers face a wide range of technical challenges, including reliable and accurate positioning.


Among such challenges, autonomous driving requires the vehicle to be able to maintain very accurate positioning at any time. This includes both relative positioning  (distance to nearby vehicles, lane delimitations) and absolute positioning, ie geolocation and navigation according to a predetermined itinerary.


This is true already for Level 2 and 3 automation, where Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) help the driver detect obstacles, avoid errors and increase vehicle safety.


Autonomous vehicle positioning must remain reliable including where no GPS/GNSS nor GPS-RTK service is available : within tunnels, urban canyons, underground parking lots etc.




Today’s solutions are not only expensive but also easily disrupted by the large surrounding masses (bridges, trees, buildings, etc.). As they anticipate mass market requirements, automakers look for positioning solutions that are both reliable and cost-effective.


SYSNAV is adapting its magneto-inertial navigation technology to deliver centimeter-accurate positioning at a mass market price point.


Learn more about our solution: AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE POSITIONING






SYSNAV is involved in next generation vehicle programs of some leading car manufacturers. We use data fusion algorithms to merge input data such as LiDAR, cameras, GNSS (e.g. GPS), odometer and cartography with the positioning data from our magneto-intertial technology.